Virtual Online Meeting!
SJREIA Wholesaling Subgroup Webinar - 7pm
Everyone WELCOME!
SJREIA Members attend FREE -- Visitors pay $20
TOPIC - What to say, and what not to say when talking to sellers.
All the Time, effort, energy and MONEY spent on marketing is a complete waste if you do not know how to talk to sellers.
- How to qualify motivated sellers?
- What to say to a Motivated Seller?
- How to make a Cold Call Warm Up Fast!
- How to talk to GrandMa's Son's, Nephews on the Phone to buy that house!
- What do I say on the phone when I have this list and I am all Alone!
- Cold Calling Techniques that work!
**Breakout rooms for additional networking and discussions**
Meeting info:
Cost: SJREIA Members attend FREE -- Visitors pay $20
Time: 7pm to 8:30pm
Real estate wholesaling is one of the most powerful strategies for investors.
- How does it work?
- How can you get started, and be successful at it?
- If you currently wholesale, how can you find better deals and more profit?
Panelist Dylan Burnett
Bio: Dylan has been involved in Real Estate since 2014. Beginning as a full time realtor, Dylan transitioned over to now full time investor. His primary focus is wholesale while also doing fix and flips and building his rental portfolio. | | 856-624-0129
Panelist Roland Jefferson
Bio: Roland is a Career IT Computer Consulting Engineer, a Real Estate Wholesaler and a man of faith with a beautiful wife and 3 beautiful children. Roland Prayed for a way to increase his income once he capped out his IT consulting rate and was directed to wholesaling. He dove into the world of wholesaling podcasts and YouTube University on his long commutes to and from work in New York City. He then began putting out bandit signs his wife was making for him on many nights and weekends to get his first deal done in 6 months. After Proof Of Concept Roland became hooked on wholesaling and invested in advanced training and coaching to help move his business along to further success. Roland has now been Wholesaling in multiple counties in Southern New Jersey for the past 4 years where he has completed multiple deals and he looks forward to retiring and becoming a full time wholesaler in 2021. |
Panelist and Host - Wholesaling Subgroup Leader Stephen Chatto
Bio - Stephen Chatto has been involved in Real Estate since 2000 dabbling in rentals, but it was not until 2012 that he jumped in full time using Wholesaling Houses to pay the Bills. In 2016 The focus once started to switch back to acquiring rentals using private capital. Fast forward to today and his focus is on using the skills gained through 6 years of Wholesaling to acquire long term buy and holds, while enjoying regular assignment fees to further that goal. Stephen has been the leader of SJREIA's Wholesaling Subgroup since 2016.