South Jersey Real Estate Investors Association

Album Event Pics & Videos

54+ vendors - 250+ attendees


May 2023 meeting pics w/Mr. Land Trust -- thanks for coming to our Embassy Suites Piscataway venue!

Congratulations to SJREIA Member JOE TESTA (in the middle) grill raffle winner at the May 2023 Cherry Hill Main Meeting from SJREIA Business Affiliate Stephen Rhee of BigCentric

August 2022 (Recap) SJREIA Annual Real Estate Investors Expo

December 2021 Year in Summary Flash Back Video

December 2021 - SJREIA Member Appreciation Holiday Party Video

September 21, 2021 - SJREIA Main Meeting in Cherry Hil

August 18, 2021 - Member's Networking BBQ

Thank you for your generous donations to both Community Outreach Food Drive campaigns this year!

Nov - Dec 2021 - Cherry Hill Food Pantry Community Outreach - 143 pounds of food donated

April 2021 - South Jersey Food Bank Community Outreach - $1093 raised!

December 2019 - Member's Holiday Party - Cherry Hill


 October 2019 - Rehabbing Van Tour - Camden County area

March 2019 - Main Meeting Cherry Hill - WHOLESALING PANEL

Wholesaling Panelists - Noel Parnell  - David Bokman - Garrett Rhoads - Alexander D. Kennedy - packed house!

Discussions continued after the meeting too!

Raffle winner Roland J

March 2019 - Main Meeting Princeton - MULTI-FAMILY INVESTING

Full house!

Speaker Jason Yarusi

December 11th, 2018 - Annual Holiday Party pictures


Party hat!

More dancing!

December 13th, 2018
 - 1st Member Appreciation Get-Together

October 2018 - Operation Safe Haven -
This is a tiny house community for veterans in Franklinville NJ - 

August 2018 - Senior Meals Program at the Food Bank of South Jersey Volunteer Day

April 17, 2018 SJREIA Cherry Hill Main meeting
Michael Greenblatt, Esq. - Topic: NJ Landlord/Tenant Law

Mar 10, 2018 SJREIA Dirty House Bus Tour -- Philadelphia area
Visited several Philly homes to evaluate investment potential and profitability. Great educational and fun event.

Feb 25, 2018 NationalREIA Winter Cruise

Chris Rydbom blog -- DAY 1

Currently sitting down waiting to load up and head to the ship, having coffee, and interesting conversations about real estate, current affairs, and economics. You never know who you will meet, what you will learn, or what will happen on the cruise..... come join us next year!

1) I know that some of us work way too much, working our typical job and building our investment business. 

2) Investing is not an "Island"

  • This is a great opportunity to meet and network with other investors from around the country. 
  • Learning from others of best practices or even what not to do- this one could save you thousands or even ending up in the negative "red" at the end of your deal
  • You never know who you will meet and maybe do a deal together.

3) There will be workshops each day at sea. There is/should not be any selling on these cruises. There have been serious hitters from successful REIA leaders here and I'll update you over the next few blogs...stay tuned for who you are missing...!

4) Now we just went through the biggest tax changes since President Reagan, so please confirm with your tax professional. If you are learning and networking for your Real Estate business, this could be a tax right off. 

Feb 27, 2018 NationalREIA Winter Cruise
Chris Rydbom blog -- DAY 2

Today woke up early and went to the deck to watch the sun rise. It was bright and beautiful. I’m feeling calm, relaxed with a clear mind – ready to start the day!

At our first morning session we discussed “What is your exit strategy?”

What are you going to do with all your Real Estate Investments when you cannot work the business or may pass on? Are the heirs to your empire going to understand how to run your business or are they going to sell the empire you worked very hard to amass? Discussion today covered self-directed Roth IRA, Self-Directed HSA, 401K, Inherited SDIRA, trust, notes for cash flow and more. Do you have a plan? Events such as this NREIA cruise and local REIA’s such as SJREIA cover these topics and much more to help you safeguard and grow your Real Estate Investing business.

In the afternoon session, we discussed “What is your present day strategy?”

Delegate! You cannot do all the work yourself. What are the best practices and best use of your time?  Time is money…don’t waste it.

Are your deals structured to best suit your needs? Who are your team members (Accountant, Attorney, Contractors, etc.) and how good are they?

We also discussed Investing with your Self-Directed IRA

Here’s my “take” from today…. After you’ve built a great team and grown your business, don’t forget to put in place a solid exit strategy too.

Final comment -- there was a Magician on board who said something very powerful. On our headstones will be two dates 1964-20??. Those two dates do not matter, the dash in between is what matters. How are you going to spend that time? Time is something we never get back, so use it wisely!

Feb 28, 2018 NationalREIA Winter Cruise
Chris Rydbom blog -- DAY 3

With sessions scheduled for evening hours, we spent the day in in the port of Georgetown Grand Cayman. Today we get to relax our minds.  

We met up with our tour guide to go to a turtle farm. Not only did we learn about the magnificent sea turtle, we were allowed to hold 2 month old turtles, and then some of us were able to swim with the turtles. From there we went to the town of Hell. For those who have not been to Grand Cayman, Yes the Town of Hell is real. It was a quick stay before having to head back towards the pier. We made it back onboard, took a quick rest and enjoyed a delicious dinner.

Refreshed and rejuvenated – we’re back for more learning!

There were 2 breakout sessions. One on Landlording and the other on lead generation where we tested software for this.

Feb 28, 2018 NationalREIA Winter Cruise
Chris Rydbom blog -- DAY 4

Pulled into port in Cozumel - went into shopping district, people very nice, it was great to see the horizon of Cozumel from the 12th deck of the ship. After returning to the ship,  relaxed in hot tub --  relaxed and clear minded -- ready for today's workshops!

Workshop topic:  Wrap around Mortgages 

Speaker bought from an estate $50k for 15 yrs @ 5%. Mortgage Payment $450.00

Sold it for $62k for 360 payments @ 10%  Mortgage payment $550. 00

This is one deal on how a wrap-around mortgage was used. There were many others, I could not type fast enough!

Q/A Meetings  - This speaker was talking about his first deal -- bought his house for $4500 for $45.00 a month for 20yrs. A comment was made that does make sense. He said he did not remember what the interest was, but also said it did not matter. The payments were low enough, as long as it still CASHFLOWS it does not matter the interest rate. 

Asset protection.  This was the million dollar class, this can be the most vulnerable area for real estate investors -- you could lose everything. One person was sued, the person suing said their attorney instructed them to sue everyone. Are you PROTECTED???

  • Workshop on running multiple businesses 
  • How to be licensed and make multiple streams of income 
  • How to cross systems so you do not need to over work.
    Books to read "Rocket Fuel" & "E-Myth Revisted"
  • With jobs being short term in today's market, what are you doing to protect yourself from a loss of job?
  • How can you employ people to help do the things you do not like doing or are not top dollar activities for you. 
  • What is the multiplier for a employee/paid help. This needs to be considered. 

In summary – great education and the enjoyment of exotic destinations – all yours to experience on a NREIA Winter Cruise!

Contact Us

South Jersey Real Estate Investors Association

PO Box 689
Marlton, NJ 08053
(856) 663-1133

Proud Chapter of National REIA

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Disclaimer  (South Jersey Real Estate Investors Association) does not give legal, tax, economic, or investment advice. SJREIA disclaims all liability for the action or inaction taken or not taken as a result of communications from or to its members, officers, directors, employees and contractors. Each person should consult their own counsel, accountant and other advisors as to legal, tax, economic, investment, and related matters concerning Real Estate and other investments.   

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